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Welcome to Lockers.Com - About Lockers.Com. For the past several years, Lockers.Com has been a market leader in development and design of state-of-the-art keyless electronic lockers (refer to e-lockers. Lockers.Com also supplies integrated services and locker innovation, software development, to ensure hassle-free equipment for locker users and centre management alike.Major recreation management companies in Australia and New Zealand have utilised E-Lockers to support their growing business. Welcome to Lockers.Com - Applications. Wet Environment,Dry Environment,Keyless e-Locker,Keyed Locker. The state-of-the-art e-Locker System can be installed into a wide range of venues. To help with the installation of the e-Locker System within your venue and ascertain the correct configuration that best suits your clientele please contact us. Welcome to Lockers.Com - Keyless Lockers. Keyless solutions due to your competitive nature.Lockers.Com has developed a state-of-the-art keyless electronic locker system, offering centre management highly secure storage to their members and improving cash flow of the centres, whilst at the same time supplying an excellent and much needed service. With aquatic centres, fitness clubs, sports pavilions, theme parks and water parks etc needing to provide users with greater security for their valuables and personal items, e-Lockers have become an integral part of delivering member/user satisfaction in facilities. Welcome to Lockers.Com - Purchase Options. There are a variety of buying, leasing or profit share options for the state-of-the-art e-Locker System. Lockers.Com provides flexibilities for centres to implement the e-Lockers themselves depending on their budget and commercial requirements. Welcome to Lockers.Com - Services. After sales service is a critical aspect of the e-Locker System. Lockers.Com has employed a professional team of engineers and technicians to deliver superior service to support the e-Locker System in your centre.Software development and Additional services. Welcome to Lockers.Com - Contact Lockers.Com
Welcome to Lockers.Com - Applications. Wet Environment,Dry Environment,Keyless e-Locker,Keyed Locker. The state-of-the-art e-Locker System can be installed into a wide range of venues. To help with the installation of the e-Locker System within your venue and ascertain the correct configuration that best suits your clientele please contact us.





Locker.Com 公司将会根据场馆客户的使用量为场馆免费安装合理数量的现代化自助式付费电子贮物柜,只要我们公司和场馆经营者签定若干年的合约,场馆经营者就可以从每月的收入中得当一定的百分比作为回报,比例将根据合约的年份,可由总收入的10%高至50%.




安全 - 不需钥匙,用户自设6位生日数字和一个喜好颜色作为密码,电脑会记住客户的柜号

方便 - 租用时间内无使用次数限制,方便客户存取物品

使用简便 -多语言屏幕指引顾客按步操作

效益- 无需人工服务,系统自动收取服务费用,7天无休不停制造收入


跟踪记录 - 所有开柜操作,收入,使用率和顾客使用意向等均被电脑记录,提供管理的便利和准确性

高品质 - 电子柜体采用不锈钢板和镀锌钢板加工而成,有效防止生锈,生产过程符合ISO9001标准,电脑系统技术由澳大利亚Lockers.Com Pty Ltd独家提供和保障

维护简易 - 插件式设计方便维护

增值服务 - 全彩色12" 大屏幕可为经营者播发广告增加效益

超前设计 - 先进的设计结构为可能要采用的未来新技术预留使用接口,无需重新采购全部设备即可更新性能

先进 - 可使用有线或无限网络连接多组存包柜共同管理,也可以通过远程控制技术进行维护和监控


    Welcome to Lockers.Com. E-Lockers are the latest in locker technology bringing locker management and security into the New Millennium. We provide different keyless locker solutions  
    (C) Copyright 2016 Lockers.Com Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
    PO Box 689 Hurstville NSW 1481 Sydney Australia